The V4 Educational Chess Summit was a separate block of the “Educational Chess Summit 2023” during the Global Chess Festival. In the first part of the...

Mentoring Program

In January 2023, the Judit Polgar Chess Foundation launched a MasterCourse led by Judit Polgár for talented young Hungarian chess players who could potentially be selected...

Celebrating 10 Years

In 2022 the Judit Polgar Chess Foundation celebrated its 10th anniversary. We are proud of our activities and achievements over the past decade.

BIZ Chess Tournament 2022

This year, for the 5th time, the Judit Polgár Chess Foundation organised the traditional BIZ Chess Tournament, which aims to bring together businessmen and artists from...

Educational Chess Summit

This year one of the key programs of the Global Chess Festival was the Educational Chess Summit conference, where presenters emphasized that chess does deserve a...